Sex with non-retractile foreskin

There are a lot of people who say that one cannot have penetrative sexual intercourse with a non-retractile foreskin.

However, a guy who calls himself Hondo posted this over at SteadyHealth in response to a question about non-retractile foreskin:

Okay, I’m new to this board but I’m seeing a lot of this problem for not being able to pull back foreskin with an erection or with out. Well I’m here to tell anyone with this problem that it’s okay and you don’t need to be scared.

I’m 29 years old and I’ve lived my entire life not being able to retract my foreskin. I’ve fathered 2 children and have lead an active sex life since my teens with no complaints ether from my wife or from myself. I’ve never once pulled back my foreskin for sex or to masterbate. Never. I didn’t even know my foreskin was supposed to retract until I was way in to my late teens. I mean, I’d heard the term “roll back the foreskin” but I had no idea what the hell people where talking about. I remember once when I was about 6 or 7 I “rolled” back my foreskin once. It was tight and it hurt so I never did it again.

Decades years later I’m pretty sure I’ve been delt a double whammy as I have a short frenulum (the piece of tissue that connects the foreskin and the head of the penis) as well as Phimosis (when the foreskin is too tight to retract down the penis) and yet I have no complaints what so ever about my sexual experience. Entering a vagina is no troubles at all. My foreskin doesn’t get forced back and really shouldn’d as long as your partner is wet due to arousal and foreplay (but you can you lube too). I’m able to get an erection just fine even though my foreskin can’t be retracted and I’m able to ejaculate with no troubles and my penis sensitivity is just fine.

Woo! That’s a lot about my penis. I just wanted to lay it all out there about my life and make sure I covered everything. You don’t have to be worried about not being about to pull back your foreskin. Don’t listen to people that say you need to have circumcision, it’s absolutly not true. Don’t do it! At most you can consider having frenuloplasty but there are other ways of treating it if it really bothers you.

You can stretch the skin of your penis by gently pulling/rolling it as far as it can go. Don’t force it, just do it gently and slowly and don’t make it go farther then it can. I helps to flex you penis when you’ve rolled the foreskin as far you can take it as it will cause it to swell ever so slightly and will help with the stretching process. I have actually been trying this and for the first time ever since I was 6 I’m now able to retract my foreskin when I’m soft with no troubles and to a small extent when I’m erect. It took me about 4 weeks to get to this point doing what I just described everyday (in the shower mostly as the water keeps the penis wet).

Be warned though. The head of your penis will be hyper sensitive due to the fact that it hasn’t been exposed to sex, masterbation or anything really. That’s okay too as it will get used to it and it won’t be an issue after a while.

That’s pretty much everything I can say on this topic. I hope I’ve helped answer some questions, but if you have any more feel free to ask and I’ll be happy to help.

Again, as I’ve stated in the beginning, it’s okay, don’t worry. You’re penis will be fine, trust me.


This puts a whole new perspective on sex with a non-retractable foreskin.

I have a friend with a non-retractile foreskin, and he has plenty of sex and loves it!