i had a tight foreskin once fixed it tho

i had a tight foreskin once but it like went away with alot of smegma build up i dont know if this is possable but it did fix my problem every time i got a hard on pulled the skin back it wa so sore and hurt and had a burn sting to it idk if this happens to othere people with tight skin but it seemed that way when mine was becomeing tight, i was getting scared it lasted 7 days or 2 weeks idk but ti was weird having that once and it happen a 2nd time then a 3rd time after that i dont kniow how to fix it anymore, all this smegma build up is cool but yet again it scares me and idk if its even health. hope anyone can help me out what my problem could be plz send me some clue thank you very much

Read my message to you under “Very Tight Skin” … OK Smegmafan?