Farm kids

Years ago I remember reading a book on male sexuality, one that included submitted stories from men all over the world. In one story, a guy shared what it was like for him growing up where all of his friends had foreskin.

He grew up on a farm, and fairly often he and some of his friends would go to the barn for “milking” (this occured when no one else was in the barn). This involved the boys going up into the hay loft and taking off their clothes. Then in turn each guy got down on his hands and knees and the other boys “milked” him, pulling his foreskin back and forth (as far as it would go back, as there was and is variety in foreskin tightness). This guy said everyone always enjoyed seeing the guy shake and moan as the “milk” came out of his cock into the hay. Then the next guy would take his turn, and so forth.

Sounds pretty hot to me! Nothing like that ever happened to me since my year-younger brother and I were the only guys with foreskins when we were growing up. I was never shy about nudity, was never self-conscious, and was never teased. I was glad I had a foreskin!

This reminds me of a milking adventure I found myself into when I would meet my M/F couple who would always have something different to both try on my cock and foreskin whenever we got the chance to get together. They set me up on the table on my hands and knees and they both took turns milking my cock from all angles. It felt great at first but they both kept at it taking turns for a long time. Any one knows how the milking process works it’s like jelking. Start by pulling the foreskin back and then grabbing the base of your shaft with the thumb and fore finger making a tight ring. Squeeze hard and then stroke all the way down pulling until you end up with a bunch of skin. Pull back, release and then do it again. By the time our session had ended, the jelking engorged the head of my cock to where it felt like it was going to pop. It was engorged so full of blood that it was swollen and hurt for weeks before the swelling went down.